How does Rebound From Debt settle debt(s)?

2022-03-18T23:13:56-07:00January 12th, 2020|

The Rebound From Debt consolidation program is designed to reduce and resolve your debt for significantly less than you owe as quickly as possible. First, we provide a free debt evaluation to help you decide if our program is right for you. Once we find out it is, we work

What does debt relief mean?

2022-03-18T23:31:17-07:00January 11th, 2020|

Rebound From Debt offers debt consolidation programs known under different names or terms, including debt reduction, debt settlement, debt negotiation and debt resolution. With debt relief, you can pay off your unsecured debt faster by negotiating with creditors and reducing the amount owed. [This is often the easiest way out

Can my credit card debt be settled if I’m still current?

2022-03-18T23:32:39-07:00January 10th, 2020|

While It may be possible to settle credit card debt if you are still current, majority of creditors will typically require nothing less than the full amount owed if your payments are up to date. Whether you are settling your debts yourself or working with a debt settlement company like

Is debt relief expensive?

2020-03-08T13:54:43-07:00January 9th, 2020|

Clients who participate in our program do not pay an upfront fee. Before concluding any agreement with your creditor, our negotiating team will contact you first to get go-ahead. After approving the agreement, the costs associated with the debt are processed. All fees associated with the program are included in

Is Rebound From Debt’s consolidation plan any good?

2022-03-18T23:35:21-07:00January 8th, 2020|

Yes! Rebound From Debt and their team of negotiators are committed to providing excellent customer service to our clients while we help them rebound from debt to live better. We have close to 200,000 people enrolled in our debt settlement program, resolved well over $2B in debt, while maintaining the

How soon will debt settlement clear off my credit report?

2022-03-18T23:36:34-07:00January 7th, 2020|

The moment you settle one of your debts, your creditor will update the status of your account to settled, or some variation thereof. This status could remain on your credit report for up to seven years. Every case is peculiar. An account with a settled status has less credit impact

What percentage can you settle credit card debt for?

2022-03-18T23:37:50-07:00January 6th, 2020|

There are a number of factors that is used to determine the percentage that can be settled on your credit card debt and they include your creditor, how much you owe, which state you live in, and many other factors. You can leverage our 20+ years of experience in debt

Will debt collectors call me?

2022-03-18T23:40:19-07:00January 4th, 2020|

Although, there are federal and state laws in place aimed at protecting you from being harassed by collectors, many of our clients have had to endure some collections calls in the past as a result of the debts or financial hardships they are facing. However, at Rebound From Debt, we

Will I no longer owe debt when I’m done?

2022-03-18T23:41:18-07:00January 3rd, 2020|

This depends on your situation. Debt consolidation companies only can help you settle your unsecured debts, such as credit cards, medical bills, collections, and unsecured personal loans, but not with secured loans such as auto loans and mortgages. Successfully completing our debt consolidation program will free up more money to

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