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Managing debt can be stressful. It’s even more stressful and overwhelming to think about how you’re going to pay off your debt. Whether it is credit cards, loans, medical or collection debt, it can feel like an impossible path to financial freedom.


Refinancing Strategies
Collection Debt
Business Debt
Getting A Low Interest Rate Loan


With more than 75% of working American’s living paycheck to paycheck there is no better time to explore your debt consolidation options. So, before you consider filing for bankruptcy or if you are defaulting on your debts take the time to understand your debt relief options here.

When you enroll with RFD, we will help reduce your principle balances first, ensuring you get out of debt faster.


Becoming Debt Free
Repair Your Credit Profile
Save for Retirement
Bridge Loans
Consolidate Into One Low Payment
Free Up Monthly Cash Flow
Avoid Bankruptcy
Tax Repair


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Energy Survey

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Emergency Lighting

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Electrical Security

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Cable Networking

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Security & Access

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Project Management

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum quis metus sodales ullamcorper. Vivamus eu sodales sapien, sit amet rhoncus nisi. Curabitur luctus ipsum ac magna ultricies imperdiet.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum quis metus sodales ullamcorper. Vivamus eu sodales sapien, sit amet rhoncus nisi. Curabitur luctus ipsum ac magna ultricies imperdiet.

How Your Financial Wealth Is Intrinsically Linked to Your Physical Health

September 10th, 2022|

We have heard the phrase “health is wealth” many times. We have also heard countless times that one of the biggest investments we can make is in our health. Because our health is more important than financial assets, it is our true wealth. Of what use is financial success if you can't enjoy it for health reasons? If you think about it, there are also signs that good health leads to financial prosperity. Health is the foundation for further wealth: Health and prosperity are linked in several ways. But one fact that stands out among all is that health itself promotes wealth. A healthy person will be more active, smarter, and more efficient, this directly affects their ability to earn more, and this money can be used to create more wealth. When you are in control of your finances and your health, it creates an ideal environment for mutual growth. However, on the other hand, problems in one of these areas often lead to problems in the other. Illness can affect your wealth in several ways. It can take you away from work more

What To Do When You Run Out of Your Unemployment Benefits

July 10th, 2022|

Unemployment insurance is a vital support system for millions of Americans who have lost their jobs. State-administered unemployment benefit supports workers who have been laid off, terminated without cause, or considered underemployed. In 2020, each state's unemployment insurance system took on the responsibility of providing COVID-19 relief funds to residents whose jobs were closed or furloughed in response to state shutdowns. Unemployment benefits of all kinds have their limits, and at some point, the premium amount expires. In this case, beneficiaries can be informed that their unemployment benefit has run out. What Does Exhausted Benefit Mean? Exhausted benefit is a term commonly used by state unemployment insurance departments to indicate that a beneficiary's initial claim amount has been paid and no further benefits can be paid without renewal. When you first apply for unemployment benefits, Unemployment Insurance employees will verify your application and issue an approval for benefits. When this happens, the department authorizes the payment of a certain amount of money to the beneficiary. Each week the unemployment claim is active, the weekly premium amount will be deducted until the full premium is

Will I Be Able to Pay Off My Credit Card Debt with Minimum Payments?

June 10th, 2022|

Credit card issuers charge cardholders a minimum monthly payment for accumulated balances. How minimum payments are calculated can vary from issuer to issuer, but major issuers use some common methods. Paying the minimum payment is enough to get by, but cardholders should still pay the full amount each month to avoid accruing interest. What Is a Minimum Payment? The minimum monthly payment is the lowest amount that a credit cardholder is required to make to be in good standing each month. The cardholder doesn't have to pay off a balance each month, but it's always best to pay off the balance in full before interest accrues. Making a minimum payment gives cardholders time to pay off a balance but earns interest that increases the balance. Cardholders with a balance should stop loading a card and focus on paying off the current balance to avoid taking on more debt. If the cardholder has no balance, there is no minimum payment on monthly statements. How Do Minimum Payments Affect Creditworthiness? A minimum monthly payment is rarely equal to the total card balance. If the cardholder only






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