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Managing debt can be stressful. It’s even more stressful and overwhelming to think about how you’re going to pay off your debt. Whether it is credit cards, loans, medical or collection debt, it can feel like an impossible path to financial freedom.


Refinancing Strategies
Collection Debt
Business Debt
Getting A Low Interest Rate Loan


With more than 75% of working American’s living paycheck to paycheck there is no better time to explore your debt consolidation options. So, before you consider filing for bankruptcy or if you are defaulting on your debts take the time to understand your debt relief options here.

When you enroll with RFD, we will help reduce your principle balances first, ensuring you get out of debt faster.


Becoming Debt Free
Repair Your Credit Profile
Save for Retirement
Bridge Loans
Consolidate Into One Low Payment
Free Up Monthly Cash Flow
Avoid Bankruptcy
Tax Repair


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Energy Survey

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Emergency Lighting

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Electrical Security

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Cable Networking

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Security & Access

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Project Management

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum quis metus sodales ullamcorper. Vivamus eu sodales sapien, sit amet rhoncus nisi. Curabitur luctus ipsum ac magna ultricies imperdiet.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vestibulum quis metus sodales ullamcorper. Vivamus eu sodales sapien, sit amet rhoncus nisi. Curabitur luctus ipsum ac magna ultricies imperdiet.

The 3 C’s Lenders Consider Before Approving Your Loan Application

May 10th, 2022|

Have you ever wondered how banks or other financial institutions determine whether or not you qualify for a business loan? They check your creditworthiness! Like many people, you may think your credit score is just a number. The 3c’s is a standard formula used to determine the likelihood of a borrower repaying their loan successfully. What Do The 3 C's Mean? The three Cs of credit stand for character, capital, and ability. Read on to find out what each cs is about. Character To examine your character as a borrower, the creditor looks at your debt history. How well have you met your loan repayments? Were you a willing borrower or a difficult borrower? If you were a difficult borrower, was it because you lived beyond your means, or did you simply refuse to prioritize repayments of your previous loans? Also, showing that you've been honest by providing truthful information about yourself when applying for a loan could work in your favor. If you can show stability by staying in the same rental home or at the same job for a long time, you

Factors Lenders Look at When Considering Your Loan Application

April 10th, 2022|

When applying for a loan, there are many factors lenders consider before deciding to approve such a loan. You want to do your best when applying for a mortgage, car loan, or personal loan, but it can be difficult if you're not sure what your lender is looking for. You may be aware that they usually check your creditworthiness, but that's not the only factor that banks and other financial institutions take into account when deciding to work with you. Here are seven to consider. Your Balance Almost all lenders review and report your credit score because it gives them an idea of ​​how you are handling the money you borrow. A bad credit rating indicates a higher risk of default. This deters many lenders due to the possibility that they will not get back what they loaned you. Scores range from 300 to 850 with the two most popular credit scoring models: The FICO® Score The Vantage Score The higher your score, the better. Lenders generally don't provide minimum credit scores, in part because they consider your score as well as other factors.

Buying a Home After Debt Settlement

March 5th, 2022|

Can I buy a house after paying off my debt? The short answer is yes. It has probably been a rocky road, and like every time you've worked hard, you want to reward yourself. If that means doing homeownership checks after debt relief, there's nothing wrong with going that route. However, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Remember, after a tough financial battle, you need to exercise caution and prepare carefully for what happens afterward. What Is Debt Settlement and What Happens After It Is Settled? In debt settlement, a lump sum is paid to a creditor that is less than the total debt. Payment is made in exchange for the creditor, taking into account all of the debt that has been paid and settled. If creditors and debtors are in the mood to consider settling their debts, chances are they are done with each other. The debtor is likely to make monthly payments late or skip them altogether. To the debtor, his crushing debts seem endless, and he sees no way out. The creditor is likely worried that






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