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Managing debt can be stressful. It’s even more stressful and overwhelming to think about how you’re going to pay off your debt. Whether it is credit cards, loans, medical or collection debt, it can feel like an impossible path to financial freedom.


Refinancing Strategies
Collection Debt
Business Debt
Getting A Low Interest Rate Loan


With more than 75% of working American’s living paycheck to paycheck there is no better time to explore your debt consolidation options. So, before you consider filing for bankruptcy or if you are defaulting on your debts take the time to understand your debt relief options here.

When you enroll with RFD, we will help reduce your principle balances first, ensuring you get out of debt faster.


Becoming Debt Free
Repair Your Credit Profile
Save for Retirement
Bridge Loans
Consolidate Into One Low Payment
Free Up Monthly Cash Flow
Avoid Bankruptcy
Tax Repair


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Energy Survey

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Emergency Lighting

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Electrical Security

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Cable Networking

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Security & Access

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.


Project Management

In sit amet urna dapibus, pretium nisi nec, imperdiet velit maecinas Dapibus augue mi sit amet bibend ets viverra.



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How Do I Pay Off My Credit Card Debt?

November 1st, 2021|

If your finances are getting out of hand, there are several things you can do to help restore stability. Paying off debt is an essential part of getting your financial life in order. Debt can cripple your finances and create a feeling of burden on your shoulders that never seems to go away. Debt doesn't just keep you from saving for your future; it also keeps you from enjoying the life you deserve. Think about what you could accomplish if you didn't have to hand over your paycheck in debt settlement every month. You would have the financial freedom to pay yourself first and live your life the way you want. This could include not living off paycheck to paycheck, saving for retirement, funding a family vacation, working at a job you love, or just not worrying about the amount of money in your bank account. Paying off debt can seem daunting, but it can be done with the right strategy. This article will teach you how to pay off your credit card debt, make better financial decisions, and stay focused. Credit Card Debt

How To Deal with Stress Related to Debt

October 1st, 2021|

Money is one of the leading causes of stress for many Americans. Struggling to get out of debt can have a huge impact on mental health. If you've ever dreaded a phone call for a debt collection or receiving an invoice received in your mail, you will know this firsthand. Before COVID-19, 56% of Americans said their debt negatively impacted their lives. Now that more than 36 million Americans are losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, stress and anxiety levels are likely to rise. Watching your debt rise while you struggle to make your monthly payments can make you desperate and seriously affect your quality of life. It is rare for someone not ever to not experience financial challenges at some point in their lives. Problems arise, jobs disappear, marriages fail, people get sick, their homes lose value, and bills pile up. No one is immune, especially during and after a pandemic. The good news is that there are a lot of things you can do to help yourself when you are struggling with debt-related stress. In this article, we will look

Customer Success Story ─ How We Helped Susan Become Debt Free

September 1st, 2021|

Susan shows that no matter how much you earn, you can pay off your debts. Sometimes insufficient income hinders debt repayment. This can result in spending more than what you earn and leaving large amounts of credit on your credit cards. It's easy to say that you will start to reduce your debt as you earn more, but what if you don't? You can accumulate interest and be inundated with debt. As of 2020, the average American will have a credit card balance of $6,200. Over the past decade, lenders have also increased credit limits by 20%, making it easier for consumers to accumulate more debt than they can repay. Susan knows the cycle of high balances and unmanageable debt all too well. Susan's finances have been wrecked by college debt and divorce ... After mortgages, student loans take the consumer debt pie. MeasureOne's private student loan report shows Americans owe $ 1.5 trillion in student loans. While some can consolidate their debts, not all are so fortunate. Susan is one of many Americans who went to college on credit - raised nearly $






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